Singles Boards  and Qualifiers

                         Singles Boards

                    New England USA Pool League Singles Qualifiers

The New England USA Pool League is dedicated to provide its members  every  opportunity to compete, as an individual, and ultimately win a trip to compete in The National Singles Championships, held in Las Vegas, NV. Here players compete to win a trip to Las Vegas. 

Qualifier Boards: To advance to the National Championships, you must first win a local qualifier tournament – called a qualifier board. Winning a qualifier board advances you to the "Go to Vegas" tournament. Winning your board at Regionals advances you to the NSC in Las Vegas. 

 Local Qualifier      --->           Regional Qualifier   --->   National Championships in Las Vegas!

$20 entry fee                  No additional entry fee                      No additional entry fee 

When are our "Go to Vegas" Tournaments"

8-ball Sunday November 19, Billiards Cafe, 39 Main St. Ayer  DOORS OPEN AT 9AM, PLAY STARTS AT 10AM.

10-ball  Saturday November 4, Billiards Cafe, 39 Main St. Ayer   DOORS OPEN AT 9AM. PLAY STARTS AT 10AM

Always check the League Calender for updates on upcoming events, including single boards

Who can play on a singles board?

        1. Players must be on an active New England USAPL or BCAPL team in the format being played, either 8 or 10-Ball

        2. Players must have at least 100 robustness in FargoRate at the time of the singles board. 

        3. Qualifying players must remain active in the New England USAPL or BCAPL in the following spring session.

How do I run a singles board? 

A.   The minimum number of players for a board is four (4).   The cost is $20 per player.  The total cost of a board of 4 players is $80.  One player will qualify to move on to the Go to Vegas Tournament. 

      B.    For every additional 4 players competing in the singles board, one additional     player will qualify for the Go to Vegas Tournament.  For instance, a board of 8 players will pay $160 entry fees and two (2) players will advance to the Go to Vegas Tournament.  If 12 players play, Three (3) players will advance and the cost will be $240, etc.  

2. Find the appropriate chart and items from our Download Page

           A.  Unless previously agreed to or promoted, all singles boards are single elimination.

           B. Find each players FargoRate and use the Race-to-Calculator to determine races.  All races are short races.  

          C. Printout either team or single score sheets. 

          D.  Scan or take a picture of the completed chart, send in, along with the appropriate entry using either Venmo or Cashapp. 


Singles boards can be separated by FargoRate or by player groups.  Any such separation must be clearly stated and promoted.      Examples can be: